Project MoFo Wednesday 10/07

This morning I effed up my microwave oatmeal. Twice. It just kind of erupted all over the place, as only oatmeal can do (twice.) As I cleaned it off the cats I got to thinking about today’s roundup subject – projects – and what takes kitchen time from regular old cooking, into the project zone.

You definitely are in project territory when you need a special device for your food, like a ravioli cutter. Full disclosure, I have never really made my own ravioli, although I have cheated and used wanton wrappers. This Mushroom Garlic Tofu Ravioli from the aptly titled Cute and Delicious looks exactly that.

The Airy Way has got a lot going on. This recipe for kushidango has got all the classic elements of a project: adorable tchotchkes, moon-related activity, and skewers.


Sometimes a project happens because you’re entertaining, and need a fabulous edible conversation piece. Add to that a little internet buzz and born is this gigantor cheeseball that kittee adapted from the Vegetarian Times vegan cheese article a few months ago.

Speaking of internet buzz, you remember when everyone was talking about the NY Times no-knead bread on that one internet forum? Of course you do, because someone posts a link to it every single day. In all the excitement, they don’t even bother to search for an already existing thread even though there are at least 20. Well, maybe it’s about time you made the bread, like Hell Yeah It’s Vegan did.

There is a need for no-knead

There is a need for no-knead

Maybe you’ve got a sweet tooth and can be lured into the kitchen with the promise of a candy thermometer and toffee? The New Vegan Table has got the project for you.

And sometimes the best kind of project is the simplest. Harken back to a gentler time; lemonade on the porch, tofu roast in the wood burning stove and ma’s lattice top pie cooling on the window sill. I tend to lazy-out and go the crumb top route, but I think a lattice top builds character.

Um, and theres a bunny in it.

Um, and there's a bunny in it.

Now would be a great time to dip your toes into the wonderful world of jam making (but please don’t dip your toes into the jam!) Mocking The Meat is a canning newbie and look at what a great job she did!

We be jamming.

We be jamming.

Or if you want all the goodness of homemade jam but don’t want to be the home that makes it, cheat and check out tahinitoo’s canning giveaway.

I love before and afters. The ones with a disheveled graying frizzhead that turns into a gussied up bombshell are fun, but even funner is a look into a blogger’s inner turmoil via their spice cabinet. Spoiler: she emerges victorious.

And how about a digital project? Really cute recipe cards that you can download! Take Messy Vegetarian Cook’s project and turn it into your own.

Last but not least, a super cool project that might be helpful for all us mofo-ers. Vegan Dojo has created a fun way to sift through MoFo posts. You can see what’s new, what people are loving on, and who’s been keeping busy.

Happy MoFoing, everyone! I’ve been having a great time reading everyone’s posts. You’re doing a bang-up job. Do you have any projects planned for the weekend?

Posted by Isa

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11 Responses to Project MoFo Wednesday 10/07

  1. Mihl says:

    What an awesome roundup! So many great things to check out.

  2. melanie says:

    I love these round ups! The Vienna meet-up is keeping me from planning big elaborate projects but I ain’t complaining.

  3. kittee says:

    oh projects! isa, which blog is the bunny from? i wanna read that post.


  4. lisa says:

    Oatmeal is demanding! It asks for dedicated giant oatmeal bowls. I submit to the demands of the oatmeal.

    Also, bunny + lattice-top pie = too much!

  5. leslie says:

    The Vegan Dojo site is so great!

  6. Vanessa says:

    Oh my goodness, so much awesome stuff! So much to do!

  7. searchingformojo says:

    Thanks for doing this! Amazing round-up. Y’all are some impressive vegans.

  8. SO much great food, thanks for the round up. I have to make that toffee, it looks awesome.

  9. Mo says:

    We be jamming…bahahaha!

  10. My favorite part of this blog is the teeny tiny smiley face hidden in a corner. Kind of like the spider on the one dollar bill.

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