Vegan MoFo Round Up 4: It’s Not Unusual…

Yes, I have Tom Jones on the brain now.  Thought I’d spread the wealth.  This round up is brought to you mostly by unique and awesome posts.  Sometimes awesome blog names.  Also…an extreme lack of sleep.

Let’s just hit it out of the park on the first pitch, shall we?  I stumbled upon Joe’s blog because I really thought the fellas deserved a little love and found the most amazing/intriguing thing that I’ve seen yet.  Chocolate covered garlic.  Wrap that around your heads, people!  Amazing!  Need proof?  Take a look at this picture:

Speaking of the fellas, I really am so in love with John P’s theme this year.  Check out his caraway bread!  He’s making recipes from vintage cookbooks!  Such an interesting idea.  I love learning about what people used to eat and how much food has evolved.  I’m just thankful we aren’t setting things in jello molds anymore.  Brrr.  Perfection salad.

Not to be outdone, Mr. Bran got into the kitchen and fixed his Panda some delicious looking Bisquick pancakes.  Ain’t no shame in his game!  Also, if he had opposable thumbs I’m pretty sure this would be the time for a z-formation snap.

As a lover of all things related to vegan cheeses, imagine my surprise when I saw a huge post on Nice Things where Ditte breaks down her absolute favorite cheeses!  Homemade, store bought, it’s all there!  I had to wash down all the cheese love with an equally impressive bruschetta and cheese covered flatbread that I saw on Zombie Cats Eating Plants.  Not only is the name great, but it’s like Amber wants me to come over for dinner!

Another blog name that caught my eye and gave me a good chuckle was Babes in Soyland.  Check out Kayla’s post on the vegan sausage maple waffle.  Why aren’t there more handheld vegan waffle sandwiches?

Finally, I bring you my love of sweet potatoes!  I seriously adore anything savory made with this delicious tuber.  Imagine my shock when I saw that Pavani from Cook’s Hideout had created none other than sweet potato naan!  So excited!!!!

Well that’s all for now.  Happy Thursday, everybody!


About Mo

Vegan. Texan. Slam poet trapped in a non slamming world. Lover of food. Ma Dukes to two chihuahuas. Wife to a musician/teacher. Dedicated to all things Whedon.
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11 Responses to Vegan MoFo Round Up 4: It’s Not Unusual…

  1. Pingback: Harp Food: Raw cookies and hummus, but not together « Harp Food

  2. healthfreax says:

    Sweet potato naan sounds delicious! Chocolate cover garlic sounds….different.

    -Andrew “VegMuffinMan” Morrison-

  3. ameyfm says:

    chocolate covered garlic is MADNESS

  4. thai seo says:

    nice a day Vegan MoFo Headquarters International , i review your blog , that a nice blog and greatly. Best for me. bulk and Round Up content. i going to visit to read and review your blog.

  5. Kip says:

    The chocolate covered garlic is one of my favourite MoFo finds thus far!

  6. JohnP says:

    Thanks for the mention! I see sweet potato naan and chocolate covered garlic in my future!

  7. Renee says:

    We must be on the same wave-length! I referenced the Babes in Soyland post yesterday in a post about Portland called ! Now I’m going to have to take a trip cross-town to try out those Waffle Wraps. Thanks for the great round-ups!

  8. Renee says:

    Sorry about that last comment. I so screwed up the html…name of the post should have read “Green Vegan Reader Paradise.”

  9. Mr. Bran is happy to be in good company.

  10. Luciana says:

    I must say, I saw that garlic in, and I was really intrigued! Also, we definitely need more recipes from Mr. Bran!

  11. amber says:

    Thanks soooo much for the mention!!! My zombie cats appreciate it too. =^.^= I am so enjoying being part of VeganMoFo 2010. I can’t wait to try out all the great recipes that I am seeing. =D

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